There is nothing as frustrating, in my opinion, than when you have to sort out your cellphone. Whether it be buying a new phone, setting up a contract or buying accessories, I tend to stuff it up somehow. And it can be really hard to find great people in retail these days to help you muddle through the process. But, yay! I have found help!

I’m on Vodafone (Sorry Telecom) and I have found two First Mobile Vodafone stores that are extremely well run, stocked with all the newest gear and have phenomenal managers. One is the First Mobile in Newmarket, the other is the First Mobile in Albany (situated in the mall). The managers in these stores, and their friendly staff, seem to have all the answers to all of my frustrated questions. Between them (the Newmarket manager Liz and the Albany manager Andrew) I have recently acquired a new phone, a new contract, car cradles for both my mother and my boss, a case and the list goes on. They have also helped my mother with her business contract and new phones over the years, along with setting up internet for my auntie and equipping all of my friends with their phones and contracts. They are BRILLIANT.

If you need quality, honest help with your Vodafone phone – go to them. They rock. 


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