Recently I was reintroduced to board games by some friends of mine. At first I thought, yeah, why not. We were all hanging out, with nothing to do, so it seemed like an okay idea. Well.

The game that was chosen for the night was Scattergories. I’m a bit of a board game virgin, having not played very many of them growing up. So I had no idea how BLOODY ADDICTIVE these things can be! Especially Scattergories! What a game!

Scattergories is a Hasbro game (through the Milton Bradley Company) that was first released in 1988. Wikipedia puts it quite nicely: The objective of the 2-to-6-player game is to score points by uniquely naming objects within a set of categories, given an initial letter, within a time limit.

This game is amazingly difficult, surprisingly so, and an absolute must for parties in my opinion. Forget SingStar, I think this is the best way to get people laughing and yelling and jumping up and down! So fun, and gets you really thinking due to the fact its actually quite difficult to list 12 things starting with one letter within a 2-minute time limit! Think about it – being on the spot and trying to come up with things starting with, say, the letter B. An animal, a singer, a thing found in the sea, a vegetable etc. And it’s not the same questions each time! Argh! 😀

Brilliant, crazy fun! This board game has now become a staple to sunday night drinks within my group of friends, instead of unsociably watching a movie or just hanging around chatting. Go out and buy it (approximately NZD$49.99) and you’ll see how much fun you can have.

Scattergories Board Game